Project PEARLS Help Bring Children Back their Childhood

Initially beginning as a simple act of charity towards a friend, the founders of Project PEARLS Philippines have turned their random act of kindness into a vision-mission statement to help the poor children in the country. Project PEARLS started in Ulingan, with the group offering aid and services to the children whose mode of living is by producing charcoal for money. As their advocacy grows, so does their reach, as they are now imploring Filipinos to help in their charity for the poor kids in Manila. With the current situation happening in the country, the group continues to provide aid, giving their best in their missions and creating partnerships that can provide for their charity. Today, LazforGood opens its doors for Project PEARLS in order to help online, all through digital charity and monetary donations.

Project PEARLS Online Advocacy Reaches New Ground with LazforGood

As with most charities, the group starts as a Non-Government and Non-Profit Organization that mobilizes feeding and scholarship programs for children in need. Their primary goals is to help alleviate poverty in the most remote areas in the country and offer children a chance to take back their childhood once and for all. As the group continues to explore more options to aid fellow Filipinos, the LazforGood program assists them online, allowing others to donate safely and donate online through the LazforGood page, where the monetary needs are forwarded to the group. With the times calling for it, Project PEARLS implores you to help for the Filipino children.